Economic Potential Index
In a globalised world, regions must assert themselves in order to remain competitive. A region with high economic potential is characterised by successful development (performance), the ability to attract highly qualified human capital and companies and to retain existing resources (attractiveness) and by a promising and competitive economic structure (competitiveness).
Based on these three core areas, BAK Economics has created the Economic Potential Index, which allows an international comparison of your region's economic potential using 26 comprehensive indicators and is composed as follows:

1900 regions in more than 24 countries in comparison
- Measurement of economic success on the basis of previous economic development
- Demonstrating the attractiveness of your region for companies and highly qualified employees
- Identification of the future competitiveness and thus the future economic development of your region
According to the Economic Potential Index report first published in 2018, Stockholm, London and Zurich are the European leaders in terms of economic potential. They all have a high economic output and a high productivity of the exporting industry. At the other end of the ranking are particularly southern and eastern regions, which are less competitive. However, there are also regions that have developed very positively in the last ten years. This includes the Prague metropolitan region, which is now on the same level as Paris and Zurich in terms of its promising industry structure. Further results can be found in the report on the Economic Potential Index.
How well is your region positioned for the future in the global economy?
The Economic Potential Index shows you how well your region is establishing itself in international competition. It offers an international comparison, shows strengths and weaknesses in your region and thus offers initial points of reference in which fields of action a region must become active in order to be prepared for the future.
Order the Economic Potential Scoreboard of your region and you will get
- A total of 26 indicators that provide information on the economic performance, attractiveness and competitiveness of your region,
- Placement within your peer group in Europe and the USA
- Comparison with the sample average (regions in Europe and the USA)
You will receive the scoreboard in digital form by e-mail within three working days.
Economic Potential Scoreboard using Prague as an example
The economic potential evaluation for your region:
- A total of 26 indicators/charts, which provide information about the economic performance, attractiveness and competitiveness of your region,
- A comparison with a maximum of 15 competitor and reference regions of your choice,
- Identification of strengths and weaknesses in your region
A detailed analysis of the economic potential of your regions by means of a benchmarking comparison is also available as a commented chart set or report.
An evaluation of the economic potential of your region with an analysis of strengths and weaknesses can be sent to you within one month.