International Benchmarking
International comparisons for global challenges

BAK Regional Economic Analysis (REA)
Competition between regions and companies, people and taxes requires targeted strategic action. What is often lacking is well-founded knowledge about one’s own performance potential and locational attractiveness, as well as weaknesses and strengths – in short: for evidence-based decision-making. BAK Regional Economic Analysis (formerly the International Benchmarking Programme) provides answers to your questions: How are you standing? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you position yourself and continue to develop successfully in a competitive environment?
Best data for evidence-based decision-making
The BAK Regional Economic Database (RED) comprises a proven mix of internationally comparable sources and in-house calculations. The analysis requires data for smaller regions and major cities that has been collected at the so-called TL3 («Territorial Level» OECD) or NUTS3 («Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques», Eurostat) level. This means that not only these specific regions can be depicted at a highly detailed level; combinations of the information also enable analyses to be drawn up for flexibly-defined metropolitan areas, city regions and so-called functional urban regions. This is based on international, reliable sources such as OECD, IMF, UN and Eurostat. By standardising additional data that is not internationally available, BAK goes one step further. In most cases, the basis for this work is national statistics whose data is more strongly regionalised, operationalised or broken down using scientifically recognised methods. The result is a comprehensive, consolidated and comparable collection of indicators that is internationally unique in this form. BAK aims to use the best data basis at all times.
On the market for more than 20 years – proven and client-oriented
BAK launched its international benchmarking programme over 20 years ago, and has continued to develop this within the context of the BAK Regional Economic Analysis (REA). This means BAK responds to client needs, and continues to develop indicators, calculation principles and countries in such a manner that they meet the concrete needs and requirements of clients at all times.
Cutting Edge Technologies
The technological sustainability of countries, regions and companies