«Cutting-edge» technologies

The technological sustainability of countries, regions and companies

Cutting Edge Technologies Information

Innovativeness reimagined and comprehensively analysed

Technological progress is an important guarantor of competitiveness and prosperity. This is why, together with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property and PatentSight, BAK Economics has developed the only approach of its kind in the world. It enables, for the first time, concrete measurement, analysis and assessment of the research and technology activities of all companies, regions and countries, in a global comparison. The approach is based on the international patent system and, for the first time, analyses and evaluates the quality of all patents across the globe, using a big data approach. This approach can clearly show who is active in future technologies and who is also successful at them.

BAK-Cutting-edge technologies– these technologies are changing the world
The world of technologies is complex, not always understandable and constantly changing. Moreover, definitions are often subjective, sometimes elaborated by science, often driven by management consultancy, and usually terms are used without any definition or explanation. On the one hand, the new BAK Future Technologies should point to significant new developments, on the other hand, they should be able to differentiate between hype and substance. The central added value of the work of BAK, the Swiss Patent Office and PatentSight is the consistent definition and demarcation of technologies, the geographic assignment of activities to countries, regions or cities as well as the identification and analysis of individual companies. For the first time, direct rival companies can be identified, which until now could never be clearly distinguished due to the coarser old technology and industry definitions. The approach shows who the technology leaders are, who is more likely to be well positioned in traditional technologies, and which companies and regions have improved or lost their competitive position in recent years. The system is dynamic. Another advantage over other rather static analyzes is that the technologies and definitions are constantly being developed and specified by BAK and the Swiss Patent Office - this is the only way to keep up with technological progress, and this is the only way to represent technological progress.

Quality, not quantity- World-class research works smarter, not harder
The basis for the analysis of technological future viability is the international patent system. First-time applied big-data methods allow completely new use and analysis of the patents. At the same time, the shortcomings of previous patent analyzes can be remedied. Previous patent analyzes have generally led to unsatisfactory results, as the country-specific differences in the patenting systems have a distorting effect. For example, traditionally in Japan is patented much earlier than in other countries. In China, researchers are required to patent as much as possible in order to increase the relevance of China as a research location. That a simple measurement of patent activity in terms of new registrations exaggerates the importance of certain countries and distorts the overall picture. In addition, there is no classification of the relevance of each invention - each patent is counted. In addition, at most a rough technological classification takes place, which brings no new knowledge. Accordingly, these traditional approaches measure mass rather than class. With the BAK technology approach, patent quality is at the center of analysis for the first time. Per technology, the world's most important patents are identified and assigned to the respective countries, regions and companies. This eliminates all unimportant and unknown patents - the result is world class research. Quality is calculated for each patent worldwide and is therefore only possible due to the currently available computing power (big data). Accordingly, this new approach measures class instead of mass - world-class research in future technologies.

Technological strength of regions - innovative power is measured where it arises
Traditional analyzes allocate the research performance to the headquarters of the notifying companies. This creates distortions that do not do justice to the research achievements. The BAK analysis approach calculates the research performance based on the residences of the researchers involved, i. it is allocated where it takes place effectively. The result is the concrete innovative power of the region. The differentiation of innovation power by technology allows the creation of well-founded regional technology profiles and enables a comprehensive comparison with national and international competition and reference regions. It is thus possible, for example, to compare the metropolitan region of Munich with Zurich, Silicon Valley, Bangalore and Seoul with regard to their activities in the "Internet of Things" or in "Artificial Intelligence". Regions can be defined according to individual specifications (political prescription, economic reality, social movements) and compared with all regions worldwide. In addition, research efficiencies, dynamics and developments can be mapped using time series analyzes.

One tool, unlimited flexibility - Unique combination of bottom-up, top-down and big data
The fundamental added value and uniqueness lies in the combination of bottom-up, top-down and big data approaches to a comprehensive and flexible in every direction overall approach. The evaluations are consistent from the global view across countries, regions down to the company level. Analyzes can be started at the global level, at the country level, as an attachment to individual technologies, regional technology profiles or at company level, and linked as required. The time series analysis from the year 2000 until the current month in the current year allows the presentation of developments and dynamics with a hitherto impossible degree of actuality. The precise statements in the assessment ("In which technology belongs which proportion to world-class patents, which share is irrelevant") allow an intelligent combination of quality and quantity.

Research integration - which mix of technologies leads to better results
"The new does not come from new technologies, but from the intelligent combination of existing technologies". For the first time, the BAK technology approach can be used to show which technology combinations lead to better results. Due to the detailed data basis and the flexible approach, the interdependence can be checked in any combination of features. Which technology combinations lead to better research results? Are there cross-sectional technologies, such as digitization, which lead to better results across the board? Which research cooperations with which countries lead to better results? In addition to technology links, research links between universities and companies can also be identified. It can be shown in which technologies the transfer of basic research to application-oriented research works well and in which fields of research rather less. It can also be examined whether research cooperation between companies and universities leads to better innovations in principle. It can also be shown if rather larger and established companies benefit from basic research, or if even smaller companies can show cooperation. The topic of interconnectedness and cooperation can also be applied to individual companies, for example in the analysis of the importance and development of different research locations of international companies.

Not «what is produced», but «how»
The informative value of industry analyzes is limited because it follows the classic economic logic of "what is produced?". At the same time, technical progress is completely obscured. For example, the paper and printing industry continues to produce measurable paper products. The technological revolution of recent years within the industry remains invisible from this perspective. The approach presented here follows the logic "how is it produced?" And focuses on technical progress. With technology analysis, structural changes through technological advances are much faster visible at the enterprise level. In addition, at the aggregate level (region or country), detailed technology portfolios and technological priorities that would be hidden from the industry perspective can be presented. Last but not least, this approach makes it possible to carry out comparative analyzes at company, regional and country level which, especially nowadays, can make a significant contribution to the discussion on competitiveness and future viability.