«Cutting-edge» technologies
Technology profile analyses
Together with the Swiss Patent Office, BAK Economics has developed a globally unique approach to technology analysis. It allows for the first time the concrete measurement and evaluation of research and technology activities of regions, companies and countries - worldwide.
BAK Approach
Technologies instead of industries - "how is it produced" instead of "what is produced"
The significance of classical economic structure analyses with a focus on sectors is limited, because it follows the traditional economic logic "what is produced?” In doing so, technical progress is completely concealed. The new BAK technology approach follows the logic "how is it produced" and focuses on technical progress.
Class instead of mass - world-class research instead of research expenditure
Previous analyses of technological sustainability based on patent analyses have not assessed the relevance of the respective invention - every patent is counted. Accordingly, these traditional approaches measure mass instead of class. With the BAK technology approach, patent quality is at the centre of the analysis for the first time. For each technology, the world's most important patents are identified and assigned to the respective countries, regions and companies and research institutions.
Regions instead of countries
Classical international comparisons often take place at country level. This overlooks the fact that the performance of the countries is primarily driven by individual regions. The differentiation of innovative strength according to technologies allows the creation of well-founded, regional technology profiles and enables comprehensive comparison with national and international competitor and reference regions.
In a nutshell, this means:
- Analysis of world-class research instead of just mass research
- Analysis of cutting edge technologies instead of just classic innovation
- Allocation of innovation performance to the region in which it was effectively delivered
Your questions
- How well is the region positioned in terms of cutting edge technologies?
- How well does the region compare with reference or competitor regions as a whole? Which technological overlaps are there or which cutting edge technologies are more strongly represented in the region?
- What is the innovative strength of about 5 selected innovative companies in the region? What are the technological focal points of these companies in the region or outside of it?
BAK Technologies
The analysis can be carried out for a selection of the following cutting edge technologies that have already been conceptually defined.
Selection of the defined BAK cutting edge technologies (November 2019)
| Digital/IT
Life Science
In principle, the analysis can also be carried out for the classic WIPO technology fields. Although the definitions of these technology fields are now more than 20 years old and were, among other things, a motivation for the development of BAK cutting edge technologies, they are still widely used and may be useful in individual cases for reasons of compatibility.
It is also possible to develop your own technology definitions.
Order a technology profile of your region:
As a result, the client receives a report or a chart set (approx. 15 graphics or slides) with the following content:
- Technology profile for your region with 15 technologies each and a freely selectable reference or competitor region
- Technology profiles for approx. 5 selected companies
- Report or a PowerPoint presentation as a chartbook with technology profiles in the style of the example illustrations, the essential statements and background information
Chart Set | Report |
Informative and structured, attractive design, fully editable, including underlying data | Well-founded analyses, visually attractive, implementation-oriented format, directly usable |
User-definable samples | User-definable samples |
Delivered in PowerPoint and Excel | Delivered in Word and Excel |
Can be delivered within 3 weeks | Can be delivered within 2 months |
For internal and external communication | Basis for action |