Data subscription

BAK Regional Economic Database: yearly subscription

Data sets, chart sets, background information
Subscription to the BAK Regional Economic Database provides continuous access to the Regional Economic Database. Subscribers receive extensive data that are tailored to their needs and can be used for evaluation and analysis as well as for internal and external communication. You will also have your personal point of contact at BAK with competent advice. In addition to several data deliveries per year you are also entitled to one standard chart set for an international benchmarking comparison.


  • Access to all time lines for a maximum of 100 regions
  • Up to four data deliveries per year (xls, txt, as requested) with brief explanations for each indicator
  • On request, individual regional and industry aggregates can be formed using the database
  • Publication rights for selected database contents
  • BAK help desk: BAK staff is available to answer your questions
  • Chart set – international benchmarking comparison

International comparison of the member region with 12 to 14 selectable reference regions: Analysis of economic performance and economic structure plus analysis of key location factors (approx. 15 ppt and pdf charts, 1x a year, Excel on request, without commentary).


Dr. Andrea Wagner
T +41 61 279 97 04

Marc Bros de Puechredon
+41 61 279 97 25